Leverage sequencing and deep learning algorithms to accurately characterize your AAV product

Sequencing plays a crucial role in characterizing adeno-associated virus (AAV) vectors, providing essential insights into their genetic makeup, quality, and functionality. AAV sequencing encompasses various applications.

AAV Genome Sequencing Workflow

Divergene solutions offer a streamlined approach to AAV cell and gene therapy (CGT) research, designed to optimize adeno-associated virus (AAV) applications. Our proprietary QC process ensures the integrity of packaged AAV vectors. Researchers can rely on Divergene to measure AAV expression post-infection, monitor host responses, and more. We employ cutting-edge technologies, including Oxford Nanopore® long-read, PacBio® long-read and Illumina® short-read sequencing, to provide customized and comprehensive solutions tailored to complex AAV gene therapy applications. Many CGT companies choose Divergene for efficient and effective AAV research solutions.

QC & Library Preparation

Oxford Nanopore, PacBio & Illumina Sequencing

Bioinformatics Analysis


PacBio SMRT AAV genome sequencing

Sample Type, Sample Quantity, Platform, Limit of Detection and Turn-around Time


Oxford Nanopore AAV genome sequencing

Sample Type, Sample Quantity, Platform, Limit of Detection and Turn-around Time

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Technical resources

Adeno-associated Virus Genome Population Sequencing Achieves Full Vector Genome Resolution and Reveals Human-Vector Chimeras

Discover how researchers utilized single molecule, real-time (SMRT®) sequencing to profile rAAV-packaged genomes and assess full-length integrity for rAAV quality control.

Direct ITR-to-ITR Nanopore Sequencing of AAV Vector Genomes

Nanopore sequencing is a quick and low-cost alternative that can obtain full-length resolution of encapsidated genomes, although with low accuracy and high miscalling rates.

Advanced Characterization of DNA Molecules in rAAV Vector Preparations by Single-stranded Virus Next-generation Sequencing

In this study, learn how short-read sequencing technology can extensively characterize the rAAV genome while simultaneously detecting the presence of DNA contaminants.

Human and Insect Cell-Produced Recombinant Adeno-Associated Viruses Show Differences in Genome Heterogeneity

The exact genome compositions of full, intermediate, and empty capsids remain unknown, but recent AAV-genome sequencing reveals surprising findings on vector efficacy and safety.

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